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Listen on Spotify: This playlist is a mixture of the undiscovered artist making an impact in their city and breaching out. The sky isnt the limit anymore. 🛸

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Check out our playlist featuring some of the new artists we’ve had the pleasure of working with as well as other rising talents. You’re bound to catch a vibe and find a bop for your own playlists!

Mona Mula - “If I Fall”
All, Music Release Lily Fullam All, Music Release Lily Fullam

Mona Mula - “If I Fall”

As the video description tells us, “Mona struggles with the fact that her favorite artists keep passing away. She wants to celebrate life by trying to live through life with the remembrance of these artists energy in the ‘sky/heavens.’” The tragedy captured in the lyrics is juxtaposed by the upbeat sound she’s created…

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Netherlands Artist Mona Mula
Interview, All, Hip Hop Artist Hannah Osborne Interview, All, Hip Hop Artist Hannah Osborne

Netherlands Artist Mona Mula

Q: How is your experience with becoming an international artist?

A: I love it. I have a love-hate relationship with social media though, I think it is a blessing and a curse haha. Thankfully, the internet has allowed me to connect with individuals all over the world and that's something that was not previously available before our generation…

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