PBD Grey “Artist, Social Entrepreneur, and Father”


“I’m an Artist, Social Entrepreneur, and Father.”

Q: What inspired your project I Wish You Love? What is your favorite song off the record?

I felt like love was missing in music and I wanted to put out a project that embodied love in it’s entirety, not just the mushy love but tough love too. My favorite record off the project is “It’s Yourz (The World)”

Q: What made you want to make a physical record of your album?

PBD Grey- I wish you Love.jpg

I feel that as artists, we are being finessed out of our art. The streaming model is good and bad for us. You can reach more people, yet you are expected to upload your art for free. That is rape in my eyes. So I now encourage all Independent artists to create a unique physical experience for their fans in some shape and capacity. For me, I Set a goal to sell a certain amount of physical units to cover my costs of making the project and some. And then, only after I recouped what I spent to make the project and made a profit … then I released it to the streaming sites where they give you a percentage of pennies for a stream. Make sure you get yours first before they get theirs.

Q: What is Plant Base Drippin? What made you want to make clothing and get into that side of the industry?

Plant-Based Drippin is a healthy lifestyle brand. Eat healthy, be dope is our motto! I created the brand after a freestyle video I created went viral. (Vegan Thanksgiving) After the huge wave of support for the video and music I created, I decided I wanted to have the same impact with apparel and help people become more health-conscious. We have been Plant-Based Drippin ever since.

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Q: What is the Plant-Based Drippin Festival? Would you want to host another one, when things with the Corona Virus have calmed down?

We held our very 1st festival in 2019. It was sponsored by Lululemon. We wanted to present a fun, inviting environment where people can come to have a blast and have the best vegan food they ever had. It was a huge success. We are currently in the stages of putting together the next one.

Q: What other cities would you consider hosting this festival in?

I would love to host it in Los Angeles, Chicago, or Houston.

Q: How do you keep yourself motivated on making music and expanding yourself into other industries?

The pressure of being a great father and husband keeps me motivated to be successful in music and business ventures.

Q: What is something you can tell the public about what you are working on?

I’m working on music and non-music projects. More exciting things to come

Q: Why do you think it is important to use your voice with specific, recent topics, or just things that are important to you?

I personally feel that you should speak truth on any platform you have. As an artist, I feel I’m obligated to do so.

Q: What is something that you are passionate about besides your projects?

Being a great father and husband

Q: Random Fact Question: What is your favorite vegetable?

Onions lol

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