Legendary Queen Lo

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Wassup yall. I’m legendary Queen Lo from Da 4, a local artist from Charlotte,NC. I have been actively putting out visuals and music for a little over a year and since have won two awards and performed in NC, SC, & GA, with an upcoming show in Orlando, FL. My goal in this music business is to always be myself and to put out life-changing light, energy, and inspiration. My favorite quote is “Be the change you want to see in the world” and I aim to live up to that standard daily.

Q: When did you know that you wanted to make music? How did you decide on the genre?

I have always written music and participated in choir, but at the end of 2019 I told myself I would cast all of my fears away and TRULY BE MYSELF. That included music and I’ve been on a roll ever since. Honestly, if any of you listen to my music you’ll hear a little bit of everything from hip hop/pop to a Spanish ballad. My most recent project is RNB.

Q: What do you like and dislike about social media? Would you say social media has helped your career?

I would definitely say social media has helped my career in the sense of people being able to “get to know me,” easily access my music, and also just being able to connect with other artists, producers, radio hosts, etc. Even this interview was secured over social. Yet, if I was not an artist or invested in the entertainment industry I wouldn’t care less about it. So much drama, so much sex, and honestly it can be uninspiring.

Q: What is your creative process like when making a new song? How about videos?

Often times when I record I’m in the “bat cave” with Ayekplaydat, my main producer and friend. He will cook up a beat from scratch and I will build some melodies and lyrics. I might grab a bottle of wine (definitely don’t get drunk) and just feel the VYBZ. Sometimes my mood is love sometimes it’s a little more turnt.

For my videos, I honestly just think of mini movie-type scenes. I want people to be invested in the story and excited to watch. I have two new videos coming up I’ve directed for “VYBZ” & “CELEBR4TE” which drop in July. Both will be fun and interesting and one even has a fully scripted scene, in the beginning, we hosted auditions for.

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Q: Besides music, what are some other ways you like to express yourself?

If there’s a way of expression, I’m expressing. I actually really love painting my show clothes or art in general. I also love any public speaking events where I can uplift and encourage or anything where I can work with kids. I’m very active in my church and love being myself and being closer to Jesus. Lastly, although I am no professional I like dancing.

Q: How does fashion interconnect with your career?

I love fashion & art so I lean to more of a bright, wild, and sometimes self-created look. I like to make painted denim looks and if I find Dope small lines with bright colors I am copping.

Q: What in your career do you want to accomplish?

Creating music that inspires people to be their best selves and love themselves is one of my main goals in music, so I want to go platinum and diamond with my music so the masses can be inspired. Also, a lil Grammy wouldn’t hurt!!! I want to travel the world putting on shows that inspire people & they talk about for a lifetime.

Q: What do you like most about running? What is the farthest you have run in one shot?

oh wow! I actually love/hate running. Once I get in the swing of things I love it again, but at the start of a run I’m always like “why did I do this?!” It’s so exhilarating once you’re done though. I like the feeling of adrenaline and the energy I set myself up with if I go for a morning run. My day always feels more juiced up. The farthest I’ve run is 6.5 miles in training for a 10k race. I LOOVVEEE races.

Q: How do you continue to challenge yourself?

Great question!! We all want to be our best version of ourselves and I believe that’s what keeps me going. Once I reach one level there’s always still room for improvement. The ONLY way anyone can be their best is through continuous growth so challenging yourself is necessary.

queen lo

Q: How would you describe your music in three ways?

My music is truthful, inspiring, & benefits the spirit.

Q: Fun Fact: What is your favorite thing to cook?

Mmmmm PIE from scratch. I love my mixed berry pie, but name a pie and I’ll make it! It’s the crust for me!!!

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