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Q: What does music mean for you in your life and as a rapper?

A: Music for me in my life and as a rapper are one in the same. The music really saved my life in a sense I’m able to freely express myself. I hold a lot of things in and used to bottle them up so much, I’d eventually explode. It allows me to vent in rhythmic form which is good for me mentally! It’s free of personal judgement and when others can relate it makes you feel better. Music is also important because it literally can allow you to do whatever you like. You literally speak things into existence through music and I’ve been living proof of that.

Q: What do you like to rap about the most and why?

A: I like that rap music is the only space where you can say what you feel. It’s like modern day poetry if you do it properly. I like to rap about what I can relate to. I like to rap about life experiences or those experienced from people around me. Telling a story is important because I believe that’s where you change lives. When you can tell your life story and someone out there can relate to it, it’s powerful. I like to give a piece of me to the fans, that makes it easier for me to make the music I make. I studied the greats and they all sustained their career by giving the fans themselves. I want to do the same.

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Q: What motivates you the most?

A: My motivation stems from a plethora of things/people/places/experiences. Everything I’ve been through and the support I’ve gotten is what motivates me to keep going. If I didn’t have that I would’ve quit a long time ago. I think support from others is huge when you’re an “Up and Coming” artist, it helps build that confidence you need to push through the BS you face. Also, people telling you how much your impacting their life always helps. Literally have had people tell me “ if you ever quit, I’d be disappointed because it’d be a waste of talent”. That’s powerful to me! That means as long as people believe in me that much, I can’t give up. I have to stay motivated with what I’m doing because I know I’ll see the results!

Q: What is your favorite song of 2019 so far?

A: Favorite song would have to be “Running Outa Time” off my PRICE OF FAME project. Running Outa Time was the first record I wrote were I felt something. It was effortless & I felt like what I was saying was wise beyond my years. It’s one of those records that will be timeless and it felt that way recording it. If I wanted someone to get to know my music I would start them there. There’s an amazing message in that song but there’s also a personal touch in it. It has some of my neo soul roots in it with the Hip-Hop I grew up listening to. A message that most can relate to but sounds that soothe the ear. My favorite song by far!

Q: Who inspires you the most in the world?

A: I think I’m inspired by multiple people so for starters I would have to say my family. They have been supporting me through everything. This road isn’t an easy journey, it’s so easy to give up if the right people aren’t in your corner. I’ve been on tour, I’ve spent countless night without sleep, I’ve spent endless amounts of money on my dream and they’ve been there. That’s not the case for everyone else but that’s what allows me to create at a high ability. I’m also just inspired by life and what it brings for me. I try to live life as if I don’t know what’s going to happen next. As weird as it sounds, It helps my creativity because it allows me to be inspired by the moment. Inspiration comes from understanding your environment and that’s why I try to live in the moment.

Q: What is one thing that you struggle with?

A: To be honest there is not much that I struggle with anymore. It used to be TRUST because of a lot of personal reasons. I think once you become more comfortable with yourself you can get through most things. Music has provided me the luxury to find myself through sounds. I think once you spend the toughest times going through things, everything that comes after that is a cakewalk. Everyone has those days and feelings but once I started moving with love and God, things have been easier for me.

Q: What is something you would want the public to know about yourself?

A: I think I would want the public to know how devoted I am to what I do. I don’t make music cause it’s “popular” or to be “famous”. I make music because I love it & I know one day I’ll be able to change people’s lives for the better. My dedication to the Hip Hop culture is present but I don’t like to tell the public what I’m constantly doing for various reasons. Just know I appreciate all the support I’m receiving and if we all continue to do so, we’ll be able to affect the world for the better.

Q: What is one thing you can say about a project that you are working on, if any?


A: I’m currently working on 3 projects that will hopefully be released this year! I took a year to drop “PRICE OF FAME” I really took my time with it and was needed for me to be as creative as possible. So with these next projects I wanna test myself and make sure I can put out more content with the same quality I put into the Price Of Fame. I feel like I’m on the clock and have to really produce ok this project! I can’t wait to show y’all what I have in store.

Q: In ten years where do you see yourself?

A: In 10 years from now I see myself as a seasoned Hip Hop Artist. I’ll have a few classic albums under my belt that will have allowed me the luxury to live however I would want. I see myself as being an executive producer on a few big projects as well. I really enjoy putting albums together so I feel I can help other artists with that as well. I always liked breaking down projects and seeing why artists put certain songs next to each other. I also see myself having a few businesses including my own music label and studio. I think it’s important to have businesses outside of the music especially businesses that are helping other people. With Nipsey’s passing, I think we have to want to follow his blueprint. Ownership is important.

Q: What do you like most about A.L.I.E.N Entertainment? If there is anything specific.

A: What I like most about A.L.I.E.N entertainment is that you guys are for the culture! You really support the Artist and give them a credible platform to express themselves. I think that’s super underrated and slept on these days! Everyone wants to help but some aren’t doing it for the love and support but you guys do and I appreciate that. Before I go I just want to shout out everyone from Truss Productions and Werkoholics Ent. Also the good people of FC. Thank you for this interview I appreciate your dedication

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