Superstar Rah - “The One”

“The One,” Superstar Rah’s April release, is yet another meditation on success and monetary gain. He appears in the center of every shot, whether alone or backed by scores of people. Within his lyrics, he attempts to capture the nuances of chasing success, from the constant grind to the choice not to attend school: “Right after my show straight to a business meeting.” He goes on to say that school wasn’t for him: “Graduation at the Grammy / I’m the one, they know I’m next.” This unconventional path reflects a dedication to his craft, which shines through in the artist’s ever-present smile and ease before the camera. 

The music video itself plays with light, color, and setting to create visual interest—the camera jumps from an outdoor scene outside of a graffitied building, to an indoor shot flashing with red strobe lighting, and next to the same setting basked in deep blue light. The constant changes and variations in setting and lighting mirrors the jumps from chorus to verse, with the backing track matching these transitions. The beat in the background uses a more intense and rapid-fire sound when the strobe light appears, thus building not only the song’s tempo but also the audience’s anticipation and engagement. The song grows increasingly frantic with the repetition of the lines: “I know I’m the one / Money over everything / We win and we are won.” This becomes the crux of the song, embodying Superstar Rah’s confidence in himself, as well as his priorities: “Money over everything.” Money is depicted as a tangible marker of his impending success, made all the more valuable by the humble beginnings he describes earlier in the song. While this mindset might initially seem selfish or materialistic, the singer makes clear that his journey is more than that. He references his spirituality in the line, “God ‘gone be my savior / Every day I gotta give him praise.” Armed with both his faith and his self-assurance, Superstar Rah seems destined for superstardom. As he says himself, “I’m the one, they know I’m next.” 

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