

Q: Where did the inspiration come from for your EP For Your Patience?

A: We were putting together “Arrival” and there was some tracks that did not make the first cut. Did not really know what to do with them, so figured it would be a disservice if I held those records instead of dropping them and thanking everyone for their patience. 

Q: What genre of music would you affiliate yourself with the most?

A: I have so many different types of tracks that range from Pop, Rap and R&B so it is hard to just put myself into one category.

Q: What is something that you feel like you do not utilize more than you should in your work?

A: Need to work more on layering. I feel like I do not have enough video content but that will change soon.

Q: What made you decide on this industry to pursue a career path?

A: Because I knew if I started singing, I would be better than everyone else. 

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Q: Do you have any music videos in the works?

A: Not as of now 


Q: If you could work with anybody dead or alive who would it be and why?

A: Drake, Michael Jackson, PartyNextDoor. Drake is the current King of Rap. MJ will never be dethroned as the King of Pop. PND birthed modern day R&B. If it was not for him, R&B would not sound the way it does today. 

Q: What is one way you would describe yourself?

A: Passionate. 

Q: What makes you happy?

A: Seeing my mom happy

Q: How were you able to create a team that you have now?

A: I found people with the same mindset that believes in the vision, and from there it was all organic.

Q: If you had or have a bucket list, what are three things on it?

A:I want to have a huge writing credit, to sign a deal that will give me a career rather than a run, and I want to act in some movies.

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Artwork by: Pauly Steez


Cloudy Nueve