Vocalist Group Leader: Lyn Starr

Q: What are some struggles and benefits with working in a group?

A: When you work with a group you gain so much momentum. You have multiple people putting their energy into a vision and it is beautiful to see things come to life. It is hard working together sometimes because your characters and ideas can clash and you have to learn to move on and come to a consensus. Groups are about patience and communication.

Q: How long have you been performing? What got you interested?

A: I have been performing for 14 years. I started singing Jazz at the age of ten. My life kinda just landed on music. My mom just placed me in a jazz camp one summer and from then on I started singing and never stopped. I have always felt like I never had a choice. The stage kinda threw itself upon me.

Q: How would you explain the Fit In Project that you did? Where did the concept come from?

A: Fit in is a story in itself. On the surface it is commentary about the music industry and how I do not fit in, especially in an over saturated industry. But if you look deeper, it is about an ethology study done by John B. Calhoun that equates rodents living in a controlled utopia with human beings living in modern day society. I would need more time to explain more.

Q: What do you like about working in a creative environment?

A: Being in creative environments push me to do better and be better. They provide safe places and allow room for your ideas to grow. They are the most supportive environments.

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Q: Where is the coolest place you have traveled so far?

A: Argentina has been the most fulfilling trip of my adult life. I loved the food. The culture. The language, and the art.

Q: What was your experience with nickelodeon like?

A: Nickelodeon was a great experience. I got to tour the studios and kinda got to watch my childhood unfold before my eyes. I got to see the ins and outs of each division and it was really fun! I would love to go back!

Q: What is one goal you have for yourself?

A: I want to create a music career with longevity and respect. Building myself from the ground and staying as organic as possible with my growth.

Q: What is something you feel that you need to accomplish?

A: Performing at a festival with more than 10k people in the audience!

Q: Where do you want to be in five years?

A: I want to be a touring music artist, have my masters in musicology, and own four properties that earn decent revenue!

Q: What city in the country do you think is the best for performing and working creatively?

A: Cities Like LA, Atlanta, and NYC are probably the best to be creative but also the worst if you aren’t able to find your market. I also think places in the UK might appreciate art a little more!

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