Creating a Positive Space Within Music with London Moon.


Hello, my name is London Moon and I love changing the frequencies in people for the better. Many pieces of art can lead you astray, and I aim to provide a positive escape for those who need it. Whether through my music or in-person encounters, I want to make sure people believe they can do anything. I grew up in Middle Tennessee right outside Music City!

Q: How did you feel when you reached your first 1000 streams? What did this mean for you?

It means a lot because I was part of a group all of my music career and this was my first solo project the love that has been received has been extraordinary! I am just glad that people gravitate towards positive music still!

Q: What does being a digital creator mean to you? How do you implement this in your music and within your career?

I honestly need to keep improving! I know that in this day and age, it is all about branding on social platforms but I care about the music so much that I lose sight of that, at times. But I do try to go on Instagram Live as often as I can. This is just to let the people get to know me better. I will also dabble in the rap challenges on TikTok to reach a broader audience but like I said it is all about progress and I will keep building off of that!

Q: Do you think making an intro to an album is important? Why or why not?

It is important! In any body of work you create it is important to set the tone for the story! Even if it is an abstract type of thing it is imperative for a complete story to be told. I think of making albums cinematically!

Q: How do you decide on the visuals you add to your videos? What do you look for with visuals? Is there a theme?

So my first single “Gravity” made me feel like a superhero as odd as that sounds. It felt like a triumphant comeback song and I thought of maybe a superhero coming back after a long absence and finishing what he started. So I had a superhero anime-themed video made for it and I thought even though it was a bit out of the ordinary it fit well in my head. I look forward to making more videos that I can experiment with and try to produce something unique!

Q: How would you say your music has evolved from your first song? How are you going to try to continue to grow?

I have evolved as a writer for sure. I think song making was something that I had a lot more room to improve on at the beginning but I started getting a lot better and I feel I did pretty well on this album as far as making songs so I am very proud of that. As far as continuing to evolve I am going to keep experimenting with different genres and flex my creative muscles through producing and vocals as well! I want to be known more as a well-rounded artist and not boxed in the rapper category because even though I love it with all my soul I feel I have even more to offer the universe!

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Q: Where did the inspiration come from, with all the songs that you have on your project “The Great Work”?

Well, it was just a life experience! I put all my past tragedies, memories, blessings, ideas, and philosophies into 10 tracks as concise as I possibly could. I had to bring myself out of a dark place a few months before making this album and “The Great Work” was the product of that victory.

Q: What do you want fans to know about “The Great Work”?

The Great Work has two meanings to me. It represents putting in the work of elevating your soul to a higher purpose and leaving it in a better state than it was when you started. It is what is considered Soul Alchemy. The other meaning is just wondering what this life is and the meaning of existence. There is a whole lot of that in this album and it’s what goes on in my head all the time. People trying to find those answers and not being able to put them into words is what kind of created this project! Of course, there are many feel-good songs in there because these existential questions don’t have to be a dreary bad thing that you must brood over all day! But I am always lacing certain phrases in there to keep the same line of thinking throughout.

Q: What was your experience like with Keep It or Can It? How did you feel about being featured by them? What do you think got their attention?

Keep it or Can it was an amazing experience! They gave us a great platform to display our talents and I am forever grateful for them for that! I am hoping just my vibes and versatility got their attention and I gained a few fans from it too so I am thankful for that!

Q: How did you get involved with the rap challenge with Jaylii Radio? What was the outcome of it?

I was looking for music review channels on YouTube so I could get my album listened to and I came across her on there just scrolling. I ended up making it to the third round, one song away from the finals, so I came up short but I did get exposure which was my intention anyway. It helped towards bringing more attention to my album so I am excited about that! She is a super humble person and I’m glad I got to work with her! I wish her all success in the future because she is doing something beneficial for independent artists.

Q: How do you continue to challenge yourself? What are some things that you are challenging yourself to do right now?

At the moment I am challenging myself to build a better brand through social media and just keep pushing myself to explore different genres and trying to master music making! I am trying to get better at being a producer so I can eventually make all the beats for one of my future albums very soon! Learning new programs and learning to embrace the internet for the betterment of my marketing is the goal right now! I will always be evolving musically but marketing is the goal because if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound?

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