Artist Living In an Extraterrestrial Nation

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Meet Hip-Hop Artist & Educator Chachi Carvalho

Q: When did you know music was going to be a part of your life?

A: I come from a long line of musicians. My grandfather and father were both singers. My older sister is a singer and rapper. I have cousins and uncles who all play a variety of instruments. Music has always been a part of my life since early childhood. I guess when I was 11 years old and started practicing the art of freestyling would be the defining moment of when I committed to the craft.

Q: What do you like most about performing?

A: I love the feeling of butterflies in my stomach before I step on stage. I get a complete rush when I look around and see my band, all rocking in unison, eyes closed and zoned out while creating one sound, one vibe. But nothing compares to when I am able to connect with someone in the audience. When the music or the words connect with a person and I lock eyes with them and without saying a word, their eyes say it all... they get it.

Q: When you are not performing or in the studio what do you like to do the most?

A: I enjoy spending time with my family. My children are my life. They are all into music too which is a bonus. My 16 year old daughter Kyla has already recorded a few songs with me and she has performed in a few plays and musicals. My sons Cairo and Cayden (7 & 6) both already believe they are rock stars. There is never a dull moment when they are around.

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Q: Who is your biggest influencer and why?

A: Personally, I am influenced by positive people, dream chasers, and taste makers. I love to hear stories of people winning, especially the underdogs. I really love it when those people are my friends and family. By far my biggest influence is my father. He came to this country with nothing and created opportunities for my family. Even though he passed away a decade ago, each day I wake up and feel inspired to carry on his legacy and work towards creating my own. A legacy that I hope he would be proud of.

Q: If you could perform or work anywhere in the world where would you go?

A: If I could earn the same amount of money I make here in the states, there is no doubt in my kind that I would live in Cape Verde. That is my homeland and I love the culture. I would build a home and a studio somewhere near the beach and be the most laid back, tanned, stress free version of myself possible.

Q: What is something you can tell the public about the project (if any) you are working on right now?

A: I just finished rebuilding my studio in a new location (Beatbox Studio). I recently returned from a 2 week trip in Cape Verde where I promoted some music and gathered some inspiration for my next wave of projects. I am not sure what direction I will head in next. I try my best to be motivated by my experience. Regardless of what I create musically, I just want to say something meaningful. I always want to remain in my truth and hopefully it resonates with others. The first project I record at my new studio will definitely be recorded with my band. We are overdue for an International Players album.

Q: If you could work with an artist from the past who would you work with?

A: I have always been inspired by the music, life, and philosophy of Bob Marley. I believe that he always had all of the right questions that provided the listener with an opportunity to reflect and assess life, confront politics and systems, analyze relationships, and reinvent oneself. His music reached all people from all walks of life and has been motivation for revolutions across the globe. His songs have even ended violent conflicts and war. That is powerful. I would love to be a part of that movement.

Q: If you could work with an artist from the present who would you work with?

A:  I would jump at the chance to be on a song with my favorite emcee Black thought from The Roots. His bar game is on another level. I believe that if I were to be blessed with an opportunity to be on the same song, I would have no choice but to black out and raise my game to a whole different level. That would be equally exciting and intimidating!

Q: What is something you would want the public to know about you?

A: I am still stuck in my old school ways. I am still adjusting to the world of social media so please follow me on Instagram, YouTube, and soundcloud: @chachihiphop

I also have bunch of music on all of the downloading and streaming platforms. Search: Chachi Carvalho and give it a spin. And lastly, my new studio @beatboxstudio401 is located at 482 Central Avenue in Pawtucket. We are open for business and would love to help you bring tour ideas to life.

Q: What made you chose and stick with the genre of Hip Hop?

A: I basically grew up with Hip Hop. Hip Hop was a baby when I was a baby. At first it was unacceptable, which made me gravitate towards it even more. It is ever changing and universal. It is the voice and expression of youth. It is revolutionary, transformative, radical, unifying, and globally respected. It is and will always be my culture. It is and will always be intertwined into the fabric of my being.

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