27Delly - “Fly Guys” Ft. KOS

“Fly Guys” sustains a relentless energy that’s further highlighted by its music video. Quick flashes of New York City dance across the screen. Visual effects enhance the experience, from colorful lighting to superimposed graphics and text. Much of the filming takes place at night, which lends an intensity and allure to each scene. In one notable part of the video, we watch the singers dance and gesture before the camera, which is placed at ground level. This angle positions 27Delly as looking down on his audience, in a position of power and control. Yet despite this tough persona, 27Delly appears with a smug smile on his face and seems to take genuine pleasure in performing. For example, in one scene he kneels before a clothesline pinned with yellow and brown fabric as he raps the word “clothesline.” The line itself is a play on the expression of leaving someone out to dry, and the video’s literal interpretation adds a moment of humor. The artist lets his personality and image shine through, and it’s a pleasure to watch. 

This track also distinguishes itself from the rest by its diversity of sound. The song begins with 30 seconds of spoken word before launching into rap with musical backing. This opening speech serves to intensify the song’s lighthearted assertions of clout and superiority as captured in the title, “Fly Guys.” 27Delly thus manages to convey his intentions and opinions even before the song is formally underway. This speech is followed by the first line: “We them fly guys,” a line that encapsulates the artist’s intended message. This fierce jump between speaking and rapping occurs in plenty of songs, and in “Fly Guys” it proves successful. The track switches things up yet again around the two-minute mark, when the rap fades out and the lilting backing track takes over. The video continues its birds-eye pans of New York City as the music gradually slows. Eventually, the screen fades to black. These last few shots feel remarkably serene in comparison to the rapid snippets and playful effects earlier on. This artistic choice feels almost incongruous with the rest of the song, which is steady and upbeat. While unexpected, the closing is a breath of fresh air and certainly an enjoyable addition.

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