Artist Living In an Extraterrestrial Nation

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Singer & Songwriter TRQUOIZ

Q: Where did the idea for your song and video, for Too, come from?

A: Too is about a past relationship that I was dealing with at the time. My friend and I wrote the song together at the studio about my experience after the relationship. I was in that weird phase of getting over someone but still thinking about them from time to time so we wrote about it together.

The phone scene featured in the video was inspired by the conversation I had with my ex after we broke up so we decided to include a phone scene sort of mimicking the conversation in the video. 

Q: What do you like the most with collaborating with other artists?

A: The part that I love most about collaborating is, being able to blend two different styles and ideas together whether that be the concept of a song or writing the song together. Sometimes working alone can cause your music to have the same general sound (which is not necessarily a bad thing) but working with others can bring something new out of your own creativity.

Q: How would you describe the sound of your music?

A: I would describe my music to be a smooth chill vibe. A lot of people say my voice is very soothing and relaxing & that they usually have a glass of wine or smoke to my songs. That is one of my goals as an artist is to provide a vibe that is easy to listen to whether you are chillin with the homies or riding in the car at night. 

Q: What is your favorite part so far when creating music? (example, recording, videos, mastering process) Why?

A: My favorite creative process would have to be writing. When I am inspired by a really dope beat, writing comes very easy and it is very fun and relaxing to be able to put my feelings into lyrics. It helps me release and organize my thoughts into something concrete. Sometimes it shocks me because I will not even know that I feel a certain way about something or someone until I write it out.

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Q: Describe your writing process, when writing a new song?

A: When I write, I have to write music. I will go through beats that some producers will send until I find that one that is calling my attention. Usually within the first ten seconds I will know if it is something I can write to because lyrics or a melody will instantly come to mind. 

Q: What do you have planned for the rest of the year?

A: I plan on releasing a few more singles while continuing to push my last single “Too”

Q: What in your career would you say you needed to improve on?

A: I definitely need to rehearse more, ever since quarantine has been happening and I have not had any shows, I have been slacking on rehearsing but I am gonna get back to it!!

Q: What do you like and dislike about social media? Why?

A: I love the accessibility of social media to be able to reach so many different creatives so easily. However, I hate the way social media has set a standard of beauty & perfectionism. Because of this it is hard to detect what’s real and what is not. 

Q: Who is your favorite artist, in your genre, why? 

A: My favorite artist would definitely be Jhene Aiko. I love her voice and she was the very first artist I found that had a similar vibe to my sound. She helped me find my own voice in music and become a better writer.

Q: What is the most important part to your brand? 

A: The most important part to my brand is my name: Trquoiz. My favorite color is turquoise and I have done a lot of research on the color and stone itself. I have always resonated with the color and learning more about the stone confirmed that it represented who I am and strive to be as an artist. Turquoise the color stands for peace and tranquility and the stone stands for protection. I want to be able to provide those feelings I am through my music.

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