Artist Living In an Extraterrestrial Nation

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Visual Artist Lindaluz Carrillo

Q: When did you know art was going to be a big part of your life?

A: I’ve always used to draw when I was a kid. I remember my 3rd grade teacher giving my art focused assignments during class projects. My dad would also teach me how to write in bubble letters when I was in middle school. I didn’t realize it was going to be a huge part of my life until I my sophomore year of high school. I started studying street art and graffiti and experimenting with spray paint. 

Q:Who is your all time favorite artist? Why?

A: I have a couple, my favorite artist would be Apexerone he is a artist, with graffiti writer and as a street artist. His work is complex. I admire his can control skills. He uses shapes and vibrant colors in a structural design 

Q: What is your preferred medium to work with?

A: Spray paint but recently I’ve gone back to drawing more on pen and paper. 

Q:  Have you used your art to comment on any social or political issues, if so how? 

A: Yea, I’m currently working on a series that reflects issue of social construct micro aggressions and freedom of speech. I want to really tap into what the means for our future. 

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Q: As an artist how do you seek out new opportunities? 

A: I’m always online trying to find the next thing especially when I don’t have a project that I’m working on. Its the best time to learn and do research. 

Q:What is your favorite piece you created and why? 

A: Hmm that’s a good question I feel attached to the piece that has a chain and ball wrapped around a flower. Prior to the drawing I was reading a newspaper article about parents in a Latino family getting deported in CT and they had to wear anklets up until their court date just in case they flee the state. It was devastating. The family had been here for about 30+ years and they were going to be taken from their children. The flower represents us and the chain and call is what restricts us from becoming who we need to be. 

Q: Do you have a new project coming along? What is something you can tell the public about it? 

A: I’ve been working on clothes design for skate boarder that’s sponsored by Year of Progress. I’m pretty excited about it! I enjoy when people want to tap into my creative world and explore with me. It’s always a dope process and experience.

Q: What is a long term goal with your career? 

A: Make a living off of my work and being in a place where I can help and support others 

with their own dreams. 

Q: What do you like about A.L.I.E.N Entertainment?

A: They are always hustling and making sure they are having fun. 

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Purple

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